Varicose veins symptoms and treatment varicose veins

This disease, such as varicose veins, affects people of all sexes and ages. Basically varicose veins affecting the lower limbs. It is known that every third woman suffers from varicose veins. The reasons are found in tight underwear, wearing shoes with heels, hormonal contraceptives, pregnancy. As representatives of a strong half, it should be noted that the varicose veins in the legs in men is slightly less, every fourth man suffers from.

varicose veins

What is varicose veins?

With varicose veins in the walls of the veins lose their elasticity, the ability to shrink and stretch. The second cause of disease – violation of the integrity of the venous valves, causing the pressure in the vessels of the legs increases, there is a stagnation of the blood.

This disease can affect not only the legs but also other parts of the body. When the disease is the appearance of varicose veins in the legs, in different parts of the skin of the lower extremities, mainly in the muscles of the legs, you may notice swollen wide and tortuous surface blood vessels. But the important thing is not only the outer side of the disease, as the most dangerous phenomenon – violation of venous blood flow.

Signs of varicose veins in the legs in men

If you thought that something was wrong with the veins, do not hurry to treat it. First you need to know what specific symptoms characteristic of the disease. This will allow you not to be confused with varicose veins are similar disease.

In the initial phase, there are the following symptoms of varicose veins in the legs of men:

  • heaviness in the legs,
  • rapid onset of fatigue in the legs,
  • swelling after exertion,
  • the feeling of swelling of the legs,
  • feeling of fullness of the legs with fluid,
  • the reduction of the sensitivity of the skin of the feet,
  • skin itching,
  • the appearance of the network vascular.

With the development of varicose veins in men, these symptoms intensify and new ones appear:

  • pain in the legs
  • dermatitis or eczema
  • veins appear clearly on the skin,
  • ulcers,
  • darkening of certain areas of the skin,
  • episodic fever,
  • the obstruction of blood vessels,
  • breaks varicose veins blood vessels.

What are the risks of varicose veins in men? In some cases, the blood thickens, forming a clot of blood. This situation is a consequence of the infection.

If it is the first disease cause discomfort only of aesthetic nature (legs visible vascular venous mesh), then, after some time, the walls of the veins get so weak that the slightest toxic substance, an infection can cause damage.

Varicose veins in men in the feet: causes of the disease

Many people mistakenly think that if men don't have babies, don't bring sticks, and which are not susceptible to varicose veins. Yes, from the point of view of physiology, the men do not have problems with their feet. However, we must not ignore other risk factors:

  • heavy physical work;
  • transport and lifting;
  • wearing shoes uncomfortable;
  • the excess weight leads to an increase of the load on the feet;
  • the presence of a predisposition of a genetic nature (in the male line);
  • sedentary and sedentary lifestyle ;
  • poor nutrition ;
  • bad habits, especially alcohol and Smoking ;
  • high blood viscosity;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;

Unfortunately, few men are aware of the negative effect that has No blood vessels. Due to effects of nicotine the blood vessels become less elastic and thinner, damaged control valve on the boat.

As for the alcohol, which negatively affects not only the ships, but also in the liver. Under the influence of alcohol destroys hepatocytes, which leads to the development of thrombosis.

It is worth bearing in mind the fact that men are not so scrupulous about his health, as women, and, therefore, start to pay attention to the problem too late, when the disease has a serious scale.

Varicose veins happen in men of different ages, but most often the first signs of varicose veins in men found after 40 years.

The effects of varicose vein diseases of the legs

It really is dangerous varicose veins in the legs, as they say?

The most serious consequences of pathological ulcers varicose, thrombosis.

The disease generates an increase of the load on the heart muscle, which, in turn, may have some importance in the development of cardiovascular diseases.

The most common, the most common consequence of this disease is swelling of the ankles, which could lead to constant pain in the upper part of the legs. The lack of treatment leads to an increase of muscle spasms, constant fatigue in the legs, sensation of heaviness.

All these symptoms of the disease are amplified in those moments when a person performs physical exercise. But even the shift from active work to sedentary does not help in the situation. Varicose veins permanent discomfort.

Dermatitis is sufficiently serious consequence of varicose veins in men. In the field the veins of patients develop a rash, you want to brush. To do so, because with the change of time rash comes ulcers bleeding.

The development of the thrombosis is the most serious consequence of the disease. Blood clots can cause death as a result of its isolation and enter into the blood vessels of the heart or lungs. Therefore, if you have the slightest signs of the development of the disease, should immediately contact the doctor.

For the diagnosis different methods are used, but the most accurate of them is the examination of vessels (ultrasound of the veins). It allows to assess the extent of their defeat.

As a treatment of varicose veins in the legs in men: conservative treatment

If the symptoms appear clearly pointing to the appearance of varicose veins, to treat the disease should be in collaboration with a physician. There are specialists that spetsializiruyutsya is in the treatment of varicose veins. They are better than other doctors do not know how to treat varicose veins in the legs in men. Any doctor will confirm that the treatment of varicose veins in the legs of the men in the early stages allows you to get rid of the problem.

As an additional means of treatment, the doctors suggest using special creams and ointments, relieve pain, heaviness, swelling. It is also possible treatment of folk remedies.

Treatment of AIDS

Experts recommend that men suffering from the disease, compression tights, especially tights. The representatives of the strong half the value of their health, in accordance with this recommendation. Others, citing the fact that this lingerie is for women, not wearing it, that aggravate the situation.

It is important to know and understand that the external support is very important for boats. Without it, you can significantly increase the duration of the treatment. And if the surgery was performed, without compression underwear that can't be done. Shall be carried necessarily. But it has to be replaced with new every 3-6 months.

Alternatively, the compression pants can be used with special bandages, elastic. It is advisable to consult your doctor on the subject of how the wind.

It is also recommended to pay attention to the footwear must be comfortable and warm, to match the season, do not compress the feet. The feet should not feel discomfort, in particular, and the long walk.

Operative methods of treatment

In some cases, sclerotherapy is performed the correction of saphenous veins using injections. The treatment of the disease in this way suggests a pre-ultrasound, after which the patient vessels are special drugs with a syringe. It should be noted that this type of manipulation of the deep vessels is not carried out. And vessels near the skin is replaced by connective tissue, which receives the patient pain and agony. In addition, sclerotherapy help to preserve the appearance of the legs.

The operations resorted to in extreme cases. Without surgical intervention is necessary if the patient has a severe course of the disease (affected deeply located blood vessels and form clots in the blood).

The main types of surgical intervention with varicose veins in the legs is phlebectomy. This operation consists in the removal of the affected part of the vessel.

Variety of operations for the removal of the boats:

  • Strip;
  • phlebectomy;

The surgery is performed under General anesthesia. It is worth noting that ten years ago, surgical intervention was considered to be the most effective method in the fight against varicose veins of the legs.

varicose veins

Also to remove the affected part of the vessel used techniques such as the laser and the ablation by radiofrequency. During the laser treatment, doctors eliminated part of the affected vessel with a laser, and the ablation for radio frequency – radio waves. Both procedures can be carried out through introduced into the lumen of the vein catheter.

It is worth noting that the operating procedures are not a guarantee against recurrence, which is observed in approximately half of cases within 5 years. However, observation of simultaneous prevention measures reduces the risk of relapse.

Varicose veins in men: treatment at home

It is possible to combat the expansion of the veins of the legs without leaving the house? . You have to constantly perform special exercises. We are not talking about heavy loads.

If you suffer from varicose veins, you need to start swimming, Jogging or even walking. The practice shows that these types of sports are of great help in the initial stages of the disease.

If we are talking about execution of the phase, there is hope for recovery, but they must adhere to certain rules that you will need to wear special underwear. When running the varicose veins a number of physical exercise is contraindicated in particular, running, jumping, squats. However, walking and especially swimming, and in this case will be useful.

One of the main reasons for varicose veins is excess weight. In addition, obesity is dangerous, not so much in itself, but rather as an additional factor increasing the load on the legs and the heart. If you are overweight, you must follow a diet to lose him. The basic requirement for the diet for men – the daily energy value must not exceed 1500 Kcal. You should limit the consumption of salt, smoked and pickled food. It is recommended to drink useful for vessels natural blood thinners – juices of black chokeberry and sea buckthorn.

To relieve the discomfort in the feet is recommended several times a day to lift your legs above heart level of the position supine. The duration of this procedure – 15 minutes. When the limbs are above head level, the output of venous blood. To take this posture, reading a book, enjoying a movie, etc.

And the most important — if they are suspicious of the disease, varicose veins, do not start to self-medicate. The best thing you can do is to seek the expert advice of a phlebologist. Remember that we are talking about a complicated disease, which must necessarily be under the control of a specialist.

Prevention of the disease

Even when there is a predisposition to the appearance of varicose veins need to pay attention to prevention. Alternatively, can be self-massage of the feet (it is forbidden, in the case that the disease has already developed). Will not be any problem to wear a special compression underwear.

People leading a sedentary lifestyle, it is advisable to change position with frequency, to operate in the short load. You can walk around the table or in the place to carry out some exercises of rotation. If you have a job sedentary, every hour, take a break for 5-10 minutes, they rise from the table and give your feet a rest.

After bathing or showering can wash the feet with cold water. As to prevention, the doctors are also recommended to drink at least two litres of water.

All men (and women in particular) will have to stop Smoking and the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. It is better to give preference to the sport, more fresh air, to walk in parks, forests. And then, you have to try not to worry and not worry. Stress is one of predisposing factors of varicose veins. Insidious varicose veins makes no distinction of persons by sex and nationality.